The Other Wiseman

A Festival of Lessons and Carols

A Play by Gwen Adams

Puss in Boots

A Play by Gwen Adams

Two Commedia dell'Arte Plays for the Modern Stage

The Flower of Beauty


The Other Wiseman

A Festival of Lessons and Carols

by Gwen Adams

About the Play

Get the Script
Actor’s Edition (print)
Actor’s Edition (e-script)
Actor’s & Director/Stage Manager’s Editions (PDF) (this page and our store.)

Based on the story by Henry Van Dyke

Comedy | Drama

Running time: (without music) 45–55 minutes; (with music) 110–120 minutes. One Act with optional intermission (can be performed as a Two Act Play).

Cast Size: (with doubling) 12 overall plus extras: 6m, 5w, 1 infant or child. May be expanded to 17m, 9w, 9m/w, extras, 1–3 infants or children.

Time Period: The Prologue is set in an indeterminate time. Scenes 1–6 are set around 4 BC–0 AD. Scene 7 spans the years between 0 AD and 33 AD. Scene 8 is set around 33 AD.

Setting: Nowhere on earth, “the Hall of Dreams” and various locations in the Middle East: A Persian palace, an inn in Babylon, a temple in Babylon, Bethlehem, Egypt, Jerusalem, and places on route.


Balthazar, Caspar, Melchior, and Artaban are four magi expecting the birth of a great king. They have made a plan. If a new star appears, Artaban will make his way to Babylon to join the others on a journey to find the king. Meanwhile, Artaban sells all he has to purchase a sapphire, ruby, and pearl to give the new king. When the new star appears, Artaban sets out with his young servant Gill. When unforeseen obstacles arise, Artaban fails to catch up with the other magi or to find the king. Artaban continues his search for many years, dreaming strange dreams, meeting a troupe of traveling actors, and having many adventures. When Artaban is an old man, he comes one day to Jerusalem where he learns about a man sentenced to be crucified. Realizing that this man may indeed be the king, Artaban tries desperately to find him. He then receives one last dream, after which the dreams become reality.

Target Audience

Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College/University | Adult/Family (all ages) | Catholic and Christian audiences | Classical schools

Performing Group

Middle School | High School | College/University Theater | Community Theater | Professional Theater | Touring Group


Actors Edition

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF script, 70 pages. Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.
  2. 5×7.25” print perfect-bound script, 108 pages. Available from Amazon.
  3. E-script/Kindle version available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and others. Alternately, check out the e-script from your local library or request your local library to add it to their catalogue through Overdrive, Hoopla, and other library partners.

Director/Stage Manager’s Edition ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the digital PDF Actor’s Edition script. 70 pages.
  2. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the print perfect-bound Actor’s Edition script. 108 pages.

Both versions of the Director/Stage Manager’s Edition come with the invaluable Stage Guide with property list,  costume descriptions, doubling combinations, and more.


Min. Royalty Rate: $50/performance. Actual royalty rate for performances will be determined during application for rights. Begin your application here.

The Other Wiseman was first performed at St. Boniface Church, Lafayette, Indiana on December 17, 2003 with a cast and crew of thirty-six and again December 19, 2004 with a cast and crew of forty-three.

This 20th Anniversary Edition was first published October 22, 2023, on the feast of Pope St. John Paul II.

Puss in Boots

by Gwen Adams

About the Play

Get the Script
Actor’s Edition (print)
Actor’s Edition (e-script)
Actor’s & Director/Stage Manager’s Editions (PDF) (this page and our store.)

Based on the story by Charles Perrault


Running time: 65–75 min. Two Acts with optional intermission (can be performed as a One Act Play).

Cast Size: (with doubling) 8 overall plus extras: 1m, 2–3w, 4–5 m/w, extras. May be expanded to 1m, 3w, 14m/w, extras.

Time Period: A short time or a long time ago.

Setting: In a faraway kingdom for most of the play, outdoors, in, and around the Royal Palace, and at MR. GRAVEL’s castle. Act II, Scene 1 takes place at Parisol, a bakery in Paris, France.


Young Tom finds himself alone in the world: no home, no work, nothing left but a cat. But this turns out to be no ordinary feline. “I’ll serve you faithfully,” says Puss. “All I ask is a pair of boots. Your success will be my success.” Nothing is too difficult for Puss in Boots! Tom goes from rags to riches, becomes the Marquis of Carabas, and wins the heart of Princess Rose. But soon after Tom and the princess become engaged, circumstances lead Princess Rose to believe Tom is really an ogre in disguise. To give herself time to find a way out, she requires Tom to pass three impossible tests. Puss is on it! First, Puss has to help Tom bake the finest cake in the world. Next, Puss has to help Tom solve a complex riddle. Finally, Puss faces the greatest challenge yet: to help Tom win the Annual Race of the Flying Balloons. Will this prove too great a task?

Target Audience

Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | Family (all ages) | Catholic and Christian audiences | Classical schools

Performing Group

Middle School | High School | College/University Theater | Community Theater | Professional Theater | Touring Group


Actors Edition

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF script, 66 pages. Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.
  2. 5×7.25” print perfect-bound script, 108 pages. Available from Amazon.
  3. E-script/Kindle version available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and others. Alternately, check out the e-script from your local library or request your local library to add it to their catalogue through Overdrive, Hoopla, and other library partners.

Director/Stage Manager’s Edition ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the digital PDF Actor’s Edition script. 66 pages.
  2. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the print perfect-bound Actor’s Edition script. 108 pages.

Both versions of the Director/Stage Manager’s Edition come with the invaluable Stage Guide with property list,  costume descriptions, doubling combinations, and more.


Min. Royalty Rate: $50/performance. Actual royalty rate for performances will be determined during application for rights. Begin your application here.

Puss in Boots was first performed at a youth theater camp at Holy Angels Academy, Louisville, Kentucky on August 3, 2019 with a cast and crew of forty-one.

Puss in Boots was first published October 22, 2022, on the feast of Pope St. John Paul II.

The Flower of Beauty

A Commedia dell’Arte Play for the Modern Stage

by Gwen Adams

About the Play

Get the Script
Actor’s Edition (print)
Actor’s Edition (e-script)
Actor’s & Director/Stage Manager’s Editions (PDF) (this page and our store.)

Based on the story “The Flower of Beauty” collected by Elsie Spicer Eells in Tales of Enchantment from Spain.

Comedy | Drama

Running Time: 55–65 min. Two Acts with optional intermission (can be performed as a One Act Play).

Cast Size: (with doubling) 8 overall: 5m; 3w. May be expanded to 6m, 4w, 3m/w.

Time Period: A short time or a long time ago.

Setting: Far away, in a place a little like Italy and another place a little like Spain. Can be staged in minimalist fashion, without sets or backdrops.


Perpetua is perplexed when her son Arlecchino loses his apprenticeship, first at the bakery, and then at the butcher shop. But things begin to look up when Arlecchino apprentices with the court painter Brighella. For the king’s dreams are haunted by visions of a princess, the Flower of Beauty. Brighella despairs when the king orders him to paint a portrait of the Flower of Beauty. But Arlecchino volunteers to give it a try. When Arlecchino succeeds, the king takes him on a journey to find the princess. With her maid Columbina, the Princess Isabella is being held by enchantment in the tower of Il Dottore. When the king and Arlecchino free them, Il Dottore pronounces a terrible curse. How will they find a remedy?


A Fine Fiasco and The Flower of Beauty can be performed individually or paired with an optional intermission. The plays require minimal props and sets and lend themselves easily to street theater. No lighting changes are necessary. The plays employ a scene division inspired by French scenes, i.e., scenes divisions are marked by character entrances (but not their exits). If this division is not helpful, the director/production can use the alternate division of “Parts” which correspond to the longer scene lengths in regular plays. These modern Commedia plays are primarily composed of scripted lines. This is a departure from the original Commedia plays, which had far fewer set lines (and sometimes none!) However, the plays preserve the Commedia dell’Arte flavor by allowing traditional Commedia characters to present the play, and giving them ample opportunity for “lazzi” or “business,” improvisation, pantomime, music, dance, tumbling, sword-play, and recommendations for memorized poems to present as “stock speeches.”

Target Audience

Young Audiences | Middle School | High School | College/University | Adult/Family (all ages) | Catholic and Christian audiences | Classical schools

Performing Group

Middle School | High School | College/University Theater | Community Theater | Professional Theater | Touring Group


Actors Edition

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF script, 59 pages. Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.
  2. 5×7.25” print perfect-bound script, 108 pages. Available from Amazon.
  3. E-script/Kindle version available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and others. Alternately, check out the e-script from your local library or request your local library to add it to their catalogue through Overdrive, Hoopla, and other library partners.

Director/Stage Manager’s Edition ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the digital PDF Actor’s Edition script. 59 pages.
  2. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the print perfect-bound Actor’s Edition script. 108 pages.

Both versions of the Director/Stage Manager’s Edition come with the invaluable Stage Guide with property list,  costume descriptions, doubling combinations, and more.


Min. Royalty Rate: $50/performance. Actual royalty rate for performances will be determined during application for rights. Begin your application here.

Parts of Two Commedia dell’Arte Plays for the Modern Stage were first performed in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana during the 2005 Summer Street Theater Festival through a generous grant from the Arts Federation.

The Flower of Beauty was first published January 11, 2023, on the feast of Bl. William Carter, printer, layman, martyr.

A Fine Fiasco

A Commedia dell’Arte Play for the Modern Stage

by Gwen Adams

About the Play

Get the Script
Actor’s Edition (print)
Actor’s Edition (e-script)
Actor’s & Director/Stage Manager’s Editions (PDF) (this page and our store.)

Comedy | Drama

Based on the story “Blue Beard” by Charles Perrault

Running Time: 75–85 min. Two Acts with optional intermission (can be performed as a One Act Play).

Cast Size: (with doubling) 7 overall: 4m, 3w. May be expanded to 6m, 4w, 1m/w.

Time Period: A short time or a long time ago.

Setting: Far away, in a place a little like Italy. Can be staged in minimalist fashion, without sets or backdrops.


Perpetua keeps nagging her daughter Isabella to marry Pantalone: he’s a gold-digger with seven previous wives who died in mysterious circumstances. When Scaramuccia warns his sister against the marriage, Isabella loses her temper, and accepts Pantalone’s proposal. Things seem to go well at first, but Isabella’s maid Columbina grows suspicious. When Isabella discovers Pantalone’s secret, he determines to destroy her. It will take guts and some clever thinking to resolve this dark comedy.


A Fine Fiasco and The Flower of Beauty can be performed individually or paired with an optional intermission. The plays require minimal props and sets and lend themselves easily to street theater. No lighting changes are necessary. The plays employ a scene division inspired by French scenes, i.e., scenes divisions are marked by character entrances (but not their exits). If this division is not helpful, the director/production can use the alternate division of “Parts” which correspond to the longer scene lengths in regular plays. These modern Commedia plays are primarily composed of scripted lines. This is a departure from the original Commedia plays, which had far fewer set lines (and sometimes none!) However, the plays preserve the Commedia dell’Arte flavor by allowing traditional Commedia characters to present the play, and giving them ample opportunity for “lazzi” or “business,” improvisation, pantomime, music, dance, tumbling, sword-play, and recommendations for memorized poems to present as “stock speeches.”

Target Audience

Middle School | High School | College/University | Adult/Family (all ages) | Catholic and Christian audiences | Classical schools

Performing Group

Middle School | High School | College/University Theater | Community Theater | Professional Theater | Touring Group


Actors Edition

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF script, 98 pages. Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.
  2. 5×7.25” print perfect-bound script, 108 pages. Available from Amazon.
  3. E-script/Kindle version available from Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and others. Alternately, check out the e-script from your local library or request your local library to add it to their catalogue through Overdrive, Hoopla, and other library partners.

Director/Stage Manager’s Edition ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ | ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Available from Bardstreet: this page and our store.

  1. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the digital PDF Actor’s Edition script. 98 pages.
  2. A digital printable 8.5×11” PDF edition to accompany the print perfect-bound Actor’s Edition script. 108 pages.

Both versions of the Director/Stage Manager’s Edition come with the invaluable Stage Guide with property list,  costume descriptions, doubling combinations, and more.



Min. Royalty Rate: $50/performance. Actual royalty rate for performances will be determined during application for rights. Begin your application here.

Parts of Two Commedia dell’Arte Plays for the Modern Stage were first performed in Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana during the 2005 Summer Street Theater Festival through a generous grant from the Arts Federation.

A Fine Fiasco was first published June 24, 2023, on the feast of the birth of John the Baptist.


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